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I cant help but wonder..

if non-Candians get half your references lol
stupid al anon commercials

anywya, funny video, yeah your animation lacks but its uiniquely yours. you arenyt going for some south park cheapness, or sprite cheapness, or characters with floating hands and no arms..you made your own, and to be honest its not that bad, its not amazing, but it gets the job done and gives your animations a unique look.

you should invest in a decent mic , sometimes it sounds echoey

other than that, keep up the good work, Just cause Canadian television usually sucks, doesnt mean we can't entertain! rock on canuck buddy

JunkYardAnimations responds:

hahahaha!! thanks... i didnt know that al anon was strictly Canada... nonetheless even Americans would find it amusing that Thomas is poking fun at an alcoholics anonymous commercial

Well done!

I like how everything went to the music, many people just toss a tune in over top of their animation. very creative and well executed.

KobraEditing responds:

I too love it when things are in beat...thanks!


woot! we're getting a bit of recognition, yay! and I have to say I'm getting some awesome comments myself :D I shoulda put my name on my section, but I forgot, lame. For those who wanna know, I was the one that did the part where he got arrested repeatedly by "Teh Police"
I have to say I rather like collabs. I should submit entries to more more often :D

14hourlunchbreak responds:

I'm glad you participated in the collab, yours was one of the best parts, an it seems that everybody else thought so as well.



i think i may be pregnant now.


LordLothlorien responds:

You get back to me when you get the DNA results and maybe we'll talk.

OLD! But still awesome

I;m a weebl fan and shocked you havent uploaded the 5 episodes yet. I was kinda hoping this was ep6 , can't wait for ep 6. Please hurry, i have nothing in my sad life but animations like yours! :'( lol

TheWeebl responds:

ep 6 has been out aaaages

It was alright...

Short, kinda funny. And it's "Niagara" not Niagra, just letting you know. I also see he fell from the Canadian side lol the view is better there. Oh and as for the person who responded before me... I used to live there (moved about 3 years ago) and I didn't find it offensive. It was a joke, not an amazing one, but an alright one and that is what I see it as, not offensive. This may get blammed but if it does keep trying.

JunkYardAnimations responds:

I love you!!!! Cheers <3

lol awesome

reminds me of "Adult Swim" the little buggers sounded like perry and walter from "home movies" lol and the captain had a "the brak show"'s Dad quality to him. it was great..it also means i watch too much tv lol
i hope to see more..ya know..if ou WANT to make more...dont go out of your way for me...DO IT!

ChrisNosal responds:

I must admit, I too noticed a resemblance to Walter and Perry. Not exactly the same though. I thought the accent sounded a bit like Brak's dad in Bad Guys Go To Hell, but I thought I got away from that a bit in this one. I think Brak's dad sounds a little more...Spanish?...or something. I really have no idea what his accent is.

I do want to make more.


This stuff belongs on youtube

not newgrounds....when I was young, I had a video camera too, and I did some pretty lame stuff as well. And I applaud you kids for doing something creative, doing something different. But I don't applaud you putting it on Newgrounds. This site is mainly for flash animations. I know that rarely videos pass, but not often. as for the video itself it was different ..that's for sure lol. The audio peaked a few times, try to stay farther from the mic when recording your voice. I don’t know if you did it in post, or if someone was standing right above the camera talking into it. But if you record the audio and then put it in, PLEASE check to see if it peaks, I'd rather it be too quiet, at least it doesn’t hurt the ears lol

nice try, you'll get better in time..but seriously...youtube, not newgrounds lol

Rudy responds:

Here's the problem.
Youtube doesn't accept swf. files. Since I had it all organized into a big swf. file it was better to understand it more. That was the problem here.

Very cool

Other than it being one of my fav wierd al songs, you did it well, and all though my eyes are watering from the flashing letters, im sure one of the tears is of joy. Good work!

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:

<Varka> cds are made of pikachu skins
<Orcinus> is that why they turn to lightning in the microwave? :D
<Varka> Yes.

Very cool

Very creative..I dont usually like stick movies..but that was great. You obviously put alot of work into it, alot of thought. Very good, good length too, you coulda stopped after a minute and i woulda liked it, but you went for a full song. very very cool. I wouldnt be suprised if this made front page. if not...do one with halo and you're guarenteed. lol

I'm glad to see that more than just the assortment of 13year olds make animations about CS. Very good job

StealthBeast responds:

Thanks for the review.

Halo huh? heh

Sent by God to rid the world of stupid flash...with equilly stupid flash that are slightly more entertaining! FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!...please? http://twitter.com/u tterlymoot (Flash Related) or http://twitter.com/t hedamntinman (Everything else)



Shutup U

Canada!! WOO!

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